I have neuropathy and I have tried two different brands of Benfothiamine – Can you help me?

Q: I have neuropathy and I have tried two different brands of Benfothiamine and both times I have experienced fatigue and weakness. Unfortunately, for me, the Benfothiamine I am currently taking helps a great deal at the higher strengths, but I don’t seem to be able to tolerate it. Have you heard any complaints like this before? I am also taking Benicar for high blood pressure and Zetia for cholesterol.

Thanks for any input you can give me.

Carol Campbell

A: Carol,

Benfothiamine is synthetic vitamin B1 and as such lacks the natural synergists that all vitamins must have to be properly utilized by the body. Also our western diet is not B1 deficient and cases of actual thiamine (B1) deficiency are rare in the USA. This is not to say that B1 therapy has no benefit, in certain situations it does. Alcoholics, persons who are highly susceptible to flea and mosquito bites, and those experiencing constant nightmares when sleeping, are the three most common reasons why I use it in my practice. I also, only use a natural form from a company called Standard Process.

To answer your question, yes I have had patients who have experienced adverse symptoms (side-effects) from overdosing on B vitamins. The actual amount of B vitamins that we need is extremely small. Vitamins in general act as catalysts for reactions in the body; they do not make up the structure of the body. The structure of the body is predominately minerals and amino acids. So, tiny amounts of vitamins compared to large amounts of minerals and amino acids.

As an example: a deficiency of Vitamin B6 can create a painful neuropathy and treatment with small doses, 50mg or less, of B6 will correct the problem. A healthy person who takes an excess of B6 100mg may create the exact same symptom as the person with the deficiency.

My personal recommendation would be for you to find a coach (holistic practitioner – DC, DO, ND, MD) who can help to find exactly what is occurring with your body. Neuropathy is a symptom caused by either a physical problem (pinched nerve, etc.) or a deficiency or excess of certain vitamins or minerals. It’s not worth guessing here which one it is. Also, the fact that you are experiencing high blood pressure and high cholesterol shows me that you need help with your daily diet. Again, this is where the coach can help.

Trial and error with self treatment may eventually yield success or it may not. Self treatment my also take years and hundreds of dollars before you find the right combination and/or the right dose. Life is too short to mess around. Find a doctor, make an appointment, get checked out, start on a new eating, supplement, and exercise plan, and before you know it you’ll feel like a new person. Good luck.


Marcus Ettinger DC, BSc.