Magnesium for headaches?

Question: My daughter has terrible “stress” headaches and trouble sleeping.  She suffers from migraines too.   I just ordered Magnesium Caps from you.  She drinks a lot of coffee – she is in a very intense doctorate program now.  Is there something she can take that might give her the same “kick” caffeine does but without the side effects.  Oh, she is also a vegetarian.  Do you suggest anything else that can help her sleep at night and relax besides the mag. caps.

Thank you,

Kindest regards,

Betty Stewart

Answer: Betty,

Let’s see what the magnesium will/won’t do first. If that doesn’t handle the headaches, my advice would be for her to get a consult with a holistic minded practitioner who will act as a coach. Believe it or not, as a whole, vegetarians are some of the sickest clients I see.

Let’s give the magnesium a chance and then shoot me an e-mail in 14 days, with feedback.


Marcus Ettinger DC, BSc.

Related Products:

Calmag Plus

Coral Calcium Caps
Coral Calcium Liquid