Acai Berry and Anti-oxidants

The Acaí berry is not your regular berry fruit!  One of the reasons is its high antioxidant content. We are sure you have heard over and over that there is consistent evidence in research that diets rich in fruit and vegetables and other plant foods are associated with better health. Sound familiar? Probably. So why is Acai a great anti-oxidant?

Fruits and vegetables rich in antioxidants, which protect our bodies against chronic disease by decreasing free radical oxidative damage.  Our bodies are in constant attack by free radicals, which are a common by-product of normal metabolism.  Think of free radicals as individuals with too much energy and no where to put it.  So they are extremely active and attack everything in their path.  In our bodies, this translates to the damage of our cells and genetic material. In the long term, this may cause permanent damage that is irreversible (such as cancer). In our day to day lives, we are further exposed to high amounts of free radicals through increased physical activity, stress, pollutants, chemicals and toxins.  Antioxidants which are obtained through our diet act like scavengers, which seek and “relax” the free radicals.

Once the free radicals are “relaxed”, they do no further damage. So what kinds of antioxidants are in CAOH® Acai berries? The Acai berry is rich in anthocyanins, compounds that provide color to the fruits and serve as natural antioxidants. Those are the same compounds found in red wine.

However, CAOH® Acai berry juice has 10-30 times more. CAOH®’s certified organic Freeze dried Acai contains 70-210 times more! The richer the pigment color of the fruit, the more antioxidants it generally contains. One way to help you achieve a high antioxidant diet is to make sure your plate is very colorful.  Ensure that you eat plenty of fruits and vegetables at your main meals, and snack on a CAOH® Acai smoothie or other fruits and vegetables instead of various candies or chocolate.

The Acai berry’s purple pigment not only makes the fruit appealing to eat, but studies have shown that berry anthocyanins are beneficial in reducing age-associated oxidative stress (or the free radical damage). If berries can combat premature aging with 25 to 40 times less antioxidants than Acai, then just imagine what CAOH® organic freeze dried Acai can do!

The US food industry is now labeling the antioxidants in food with ORAC (Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity).  Data from the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) suggests a serving of fresh fruit and vegetables has between 890 and 2,500 ORAC units.

Just one 5g serving of CAOH® organic freeze dried Acaí will provide you with around 4,695 ORAC units!


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