[email protected] – Testimonial 12/16/2006

15 December 2006

Thank you for your most recent reply to my questions regarding “Vibe”. I now have another question for you.

We are currently taking Mangosteen Elixir and Liquid Power. My husband, however, recently completed a tough round of chemo due to large B-Cell Lymphoma – the aggressive type. He was stage 2 (tonsils and one lymph node in his neck). His physician watches him closely, completing Cat Scans and blood work every 90 days. In July of 2007 we will be 2 years post Chemo. I thought the Mangosteen would be an excellent compliment to the Liquid Power but now I am wondering if the Acai-Max would be better for him.

I would appreciate your thoughts.

Thank you for taking your time to help all of us. Your input is extremely valuable!


P. Whitehead

16 December 2006

Dear Dr Ettinger,

Thank you so much for your help! You have no idea how wonderful it is to have someone care enough to write back and help us!

I started him [husband] on Goji then read about Mangosteen and thought that would be better. I am So glad you were here to help! I love your products and feel we are getting the very best! With good nutrition, lots of love, care, and help from the good Lord, I feel
confident we will never have to walk that mile again!

Thank you again Dr. E. and have a very Merry Christmas!


P. Whitehead