Ethylene Oxide Chamber

Question: Doctor, Do any of the ingredients in your products have to be put into an “Ethylene Oxide Chamber” to be sterlized? Dimitri Answer: Dimitri, NO.  As a FYI: Studies on human beings who have worked with ethylene oxide for extended periods and may have experienced low doses during that time have found no increase…

Flaxseed Oil (ALA) Offers Heart Protection by Lowering Blood Pressure

In a recent study published in the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, researches found that dietary supplementation with flaxseed oil (Alpha-linolenic acid 8 g/d) for 12 weeks, in 59 men with abnormal concentrations of lipids or lipoproteins in their blood, resulted in significantly lower systolic and diastolic blood pressure. The researchers noted, “We observed a…

The Carotenoids: Beta-Carotene, Lycopene, Lutein…. May Benefit Health in Breast Cancer Survivors

by Heather Granato 10/29/2007 TUCSON, Ariz.—Higher plasma levels of carotenoids may help reduce oxidative stress in women previously treated for breast cancer (Cancer Epidemiol Biomarker Prev. 2007;16(10):2008–15). Researchers from the University of Arizona and Arizona Cancer Center conducted an ancillary study on 207 postmenopausal breast cancer survivors from the Women’s Healthy Eating and Living Study.…

Fruit & vegetable antioxidant profile increases with time

10/12/2007 – The antioxidant capacity of fresh fruit and vegetables does not decrease during storage, and the polyphenol content even increases, suggests new research. According to Belgian researchers from the University of Liege, storing selected fruit and vegetables at room temperature or under refrigeration did not result in any loss of phenolic compounds, ascorbic acid…

Vitamin E may cut heart disease risk in diabetics

10/19/2007 – Supplements of vitamin E may counteract complications in type-2 diabetics linked to an increased risk of heart disease, says a new study from Italy. Daily vitamin E supplements (500 International Units) were found to decrease levels of a protein associated with higher risk of atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries) and ultimately cardiovascular disease…

Folate, Riboflavin Impact Colon Cancer Risk

by Lisa Frazier 10/26/2007 SHEFFIELD, England —Riboflavin supplementation may enhance the protective effect of low-dose folate in people with colorectal polyps; however, the magnitude of the response was not significant when examined between a healthy group of people and polyp patients(Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev. 2007;16(10):2128-35). Researchers from the University of Sheffield coordinated a double blind,…

Study Finds Long-Term Supplement Users in Better Health

10-29-2007 A study published in the peer-reviewed Nutrition Journal (October 24, 2007) reveals that people who used multiple supplements for at least 20 years were in overall better health than both non-supplement users and individuals who only consumed a multivitamin/mineral supplement. This first-ever study on long-term users of multiple dietary supplements found them comparatively to…

Extra Vitamin D May Lengthen Lifespan

10/23/2007 Taking vitamin D supplements may lower the risk of death from any cause, according to a meta-analysis in the Sept. 10 issue of Archives of Internal Medicine (2007;167(16):1730-37). After reviewing 18 randomized controlled trials of vitamin D supplementation, with a total of 57,311 participants, the researchers found 4,777 of the participants died during the…

Lutein, Zeaxanthin Reduce Risk of Age-Related Eye Disease

Lutein, Zeaxanthin Reduce Risk of Age-Related Eye Disease 10/23/2007 Increased intake of the carotenoids lutein and zeaxanthin may be associated with a lower risk for age-related macular degeneration (AMD), according to a report in the September issue of Archives of Ophthalmology (2007;125:1225-1232). The study—supported by the National Eye Institute, National Institutes of Health and Bausch…