Feedback on Iodine Supplementation

Dr. Ettinger,

I wanted to get your feedback on iodine supplementation and this information –


I personally believe that as a population we are iodine deficient, as well as, being deficient in other trace minerals. As a responsible doctor, I can’t recommend a dose for you. If you consult with a knowledgeable holistic/alternative medicine practitioner, they will be more able to advise you on the best dosage for you. I don’t know if Apex Energetics in Irvine, CA has a referral list, but I would give them a try.

Most Important Note: Take that article with a grain of salt (no pun intended). Walter Last and Mark Sircus, write all about the good and make iodine seem like a panacea for everything that ails you, it isn’t. Just one example of when iodine can hurt, is a common cause of hypothyroidism called Hashimoto’s disease. If you give iodine (iodine, kelp or Synthroid) to this type of hypothyroid patient, which 95% of all doctors (ND,DC, DO & MD’s) do, because they don’t run the proper tests (TPO & Thyroglobulin antibody) to determine Hashimoto’s, the patient’s symptom will worsen. In Hashimoto’s the patients antibodies attack anything with iodine in it. That includes thyroid hormone, thyroid proteins and the thyroid itself.

Something that is so needed by a population could actually do more harm in a broad section of it. Find a doctor who you can work with as a coach, and ask for his or her guidance. I do distance consulting too. If I can ever be of assistance please look me up on my website.


Marcus Ettinger DC, BSc.