Is Acai Really for Weight-Loss?


I was on your site after visiting so many other sites claiming that taking acai berry supplements (Like Absolute Acai & Acai Max) results in lots of great health improvements including weight loss.  Yet your site, and another product site (Perfect Acai) claim to be organic, etc., but don’t list weight loss as a result – why is that?



Every site listing it as a weight-loss product is lying, misinformed or just completely oblivious to the physiology of the body. The only way acai will work as a weight loss product is if that’s all you eat. There is no chemical found in acai that promotes weight-loss, period. I am an acai fanatic and I have tons of clients who take it, but NOT for weight-loss. Your best case scenario, is if you take acai and you feel more energetic BECA– USE you’re doing something good for yourself and you start to exercise and diet – You will lose weight.

I hope this helps.


Marcus Ettinger DC, BSc

1 comment

  1. “For a second I thought you were kidding.”

    This is another example of a spam comments from the same group of people claiming Acai is a diet product. We remove the link becuase we do’t want anyone to fall into the trap. See this post here for more details:

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