Will Goji Juice Help To Rev-Up A Slow Metabolism Due To Menopause?

Q: Will goji juice help to rev up a slow metabolism due to menopause? Thank you.

A: Dear R. M.,

I wish I could say, “Yes it will” but I can’t. Fruit juices of any kind are not designed to speed up a slow metabolism. Your situation may be a result of many things, such as a hypothyroid condition, nutritional deficiencies, lack of aerobic exercise, stress, adrenal weakness, over-eating/high carbohydrates, etc. Goji is a wonderful product with many benefits and in conjunction with handling any of the above, may be of personal benefit.

Liquid Power and Whey Protein will supply the body with the building blocks it needs to help raise metabolism and get lean.


Marcus Ettinger DC, BSc.