Question:Dr. Ettinger
I am a 43 year old woman…weighed 122 pounds in February and starting gaining weight unexplainably…all in my stomach. I have now gained 27 pounds. I am a runner and typically watch what I eat so this is unusual. I have also had gas….daily. My stomach is bloated/distended to the point I look like a pregnant woman by the end of the day. My Doctor has ran a series of tests including referring me to a gastro-Dr…..had a colonoscopy. Not sure what is going on. I was in Mexico in January…..possibly a parasite or something. The weight gain is extremely unusual. I have been under a lot of stress….my daughter was killed in an accident in Oct. 2006. Any thoughts on what may be going on and any natural remedies I can try.??
Answer: Sara,
First, please read all the disclaimers below. (Only found at the bottom of my out-going e-mails)
As you mentioned, it could be a parasite, stress or any number of other things. It would take a thorough consultation, initial exam with labs to get a confirmation of what’s going on. If you can get to Orange, California, that would help us both out. If not, I would find a holistic practitioner in your area. The medical profession is great with diagnostics but lousy with treatment.
Let me know your thoughts on this.
Marcus Ettinger DC, BSc