I am pregnant and would like some advice

Question: I am pregnant and would like to know if I can take noni to boost my Immune system. I have a cold and a terrible dry cough, and the doctor told me I should wait to see if it goes away before taking antibiotics.

Thanks, Julie

Answer: Julie,

I can’t give treatment advice but I can tell you that my wife took:

CAOH products:

1 scoop of whey protein a day (immune stimulation and protein source)

1 ounce of Liquid Power per day (Folic acid, immune stimulation and nutritional support)

Omega 3, 6, 9 – 3 per day (nervous system development)

Lecithin Granules 2 tablespoons per day (nervous system development)

I personally would not recommend the noni; I would go for the goji (This is if you only want a juice and not the above supplements. Goji can be taken with the above supplements.)


Marcus Ettinger DC, BSc.