Q: Why does Dr. Mindell say his is the best and the only true Goji juice?
A: Dear Angie,
Because it’s advertising! We say and feel ours is the best and if you had your own brand you would probably say yours was the best too. The facts are, our goji juice has a higher concentration of real goji juice, at 60%, than FreeLife. FreeLife does not disclose in writing the concentration of their juice (why is that?). Our goji juice is also less expensive and we are a family owned and operated business not a multi-level marketing company. Why pay for 5 to 7 levels of down-line commission when you buy something?
Marcus Ettinger DC, BSc.
SEE ALSO: Goji Spectral Signature
I read in one of your emails that Freelife don’t give the breakdown of the amount of Goji juice in their bottles. This is incorrect. There is 97% Goji juice in every bottle. Its on the label. You would have more creditability if you stick to correct facts and just promote your own product.
Dear Linda,
I have 6 bottles sitting in front of me right now, they are 6 months old. Nowhere does it say 97%. Has the label been updated in the last couple of months? If it has and states the 97% I will gladly correct my blog post and add a new comment to state the new facts presented. Please scan a label and e-mail it to me or send some type picture so I can see it. I am not a “bashing” type of person and I do not dislike FreeLife. I am only presenting the facts as I know them.
Dr. E
Hello Dr Ettinger,
Your are right it doesn’t state 97% on the label however it does say that there is 27ml Goji juice per 30 mls. That would mean there is 90% of Goji juice in the bottle.
Dear Linda,
Just for clarification, does it say that on a new label or on Freelife’s website or on some corporate material? I am really serious about knowing and telling the truth. I have never seen an “official” reference to that 27ml or 90-97%. If you can direct me or send me something I would be most appreciative and will immediately correct my blog.
Dr. E
Dear Linda ,
I am resending this to make sure you got my last e-mail. Sometimes they get lost.
Also, this was just sent to me a few minutes ago. I am not sending this for any other reason but as an FYI. http://www.cbc.ca/marketplace/2007/01/goji.html#video
Dr. E