Mangosteen Xanthone Percentages

Q: Dear Doctor,

Can you please tell me the percentage of xanthones present in your Mangosteen Elixir? I can’t find it anywhere on your website. Also why doesn’t anyone else list the amount per ounce of liquid or gram of powder?


Rhonda M.

A: Rhonda,

There is a lot of controversy and confusion regarding the percentage of xanthones in mangosteen (Garcinia mangostana L.). Chromedex one of the best analytical labs in the business only measures alpha, beta, and gamma mangostin xanthone level. Chromedex also focuses only on liquid product analysis so powders and extracts can’t be qualified. Because of the difficulty and expense, it is not possible for us or any other producer to list the precise percentage total of xanthones per ounce. Not to mention that batch to batch will yield a slightly different amount.


Marcus Ettinger DC, BSc.