Need Some Orac Values Please

Question: Hi I’ve got a quick question.

I’ve been a loyal customer of yours for the past 2 years. I’m trying to convince my friend of the great quality & value of your products. She will only be convinced by the ORAC values. She wants to compare her orac values for Monavie juices to our orac values of our CAOH products.

So, may I have the ORAC values for the 32 oz bottles of the following:

Goji Fusion
Mangosteen Elixir

I’ve ordered these in the past & they are my favorites. I can’t wait to see her face when our products go head to head in orac values. I think, she’ll be well convinced & become a caoh customer soon.

Thank you & looking forward to your figures,

Michael Young Cho

Answer: Michael,

Here is a similar e-mail I just responded to from a doctor and a link (bottom of page) on ORAC. Let me know if you need more data. Also, trying to change the mind of an MLM distributor is like trying to change the mind of a McCain backer to vote for H. Clinton, it’s extermely difficult to impossible.

Question – Hi Dr. Ettinger:

My patient is being pitched by Mona Vie. You know the drill……..”The only approved processing method, etc, etc.” I told him what I remembered of what you told me.  He’s requested some literature from you. Do you have something I can give to him or refer him to?


Dr. Benn

Answer – Dr. Benn,

Here is a little more on MonaVie


Response – Thanks Marcus

It’s just what I needed.

Stay well.


Here is a link on ORAC

You can always go to the blog and type in MLM or Xango or acai in the search box to get all the past questions/answers asked on a particular subject. I hope this helps.


Marcus Ettinger DC, BSc