Thyroid Condition Since 2003

Good Afternoon,

Thanks for the offering this forum so I can ask about thyroid conditions.

I have had a thyroid condition since 2003, I just turned 48 and though I’ve been on medication since my doctor discovered my problem, I cannot get my thyroid regulated. As a result I have gained almost 30 pounds. I feel bad most of the time and I just don’t have energy like I used.

I am currently taking 120 mg of Armor thyroid medication and wondered if there is a healthy alternative to taking pharmaceutical medications. I know that it can be dangerous to mess with this condition, but I would like to see what I can do as I fluctuate between 90 mg to 120 mg then back and forth between the two doses.

Any feedback that you can offer, good or bad, will be greatly appreciated.

I look forward to hearing from you

Enjoy your evening!

Kind regards,
Cathy Neal


Armour is very safe as far as I am concerned. Your TSH should fluctuate between .5 and 3.0. Any higher and the thyroid is considered low (in my book). Selenium is needed for conversion of T4 into T3 and exercise is also important. Peter D’Adamo’s book, “Eat Right for Your Type” might help and here is my food list, it may also help.

You may also want to try our Liquid Power.


Marcus Ettinger DC, BSc.

Hello Dr. E,

Thank you so much for taking the time to answer me. I appreciate the food list as well! I shall do some grocery shopping and get some of the items from the list.

I have begun some exercise lately which is making me feel so much better. I will also look into the Selenium and Liquid Power.

I’m trying very hard to change my eating habits, but they are just that…habits!!! I’ve unfortunately picked up some bad ones over the past few years.

Positive thinking will help me move in the right direction.

Thanks again and enjoy your afternoon.

A grateful customer,