When Face-to-Face is Better

Question: Dear Doctor,

I hope you can help me. My mother has a extremely thin stomach lining and has several life threatening stomach bleeds. The doctors have said there is nothing more they can do. There has to be something that will either build her stomach lining or coat it. She is on iron pills to build her blood, due to she is severely anemic due to blood loss from the stomach bleeds, but those are irritating to the stomach. We are on such a merry go round with the medical profession. Do you know of anything that could help or any suggestions?

Please, and please hurry with you answer. We are really getting into a serious state here, the doctor told me there was nothing more that he could do, and that I should stay close to a hospital for blood transfusions.

Thank you,

Elaine Smith

Response: Elaine

I would love to help but there are too many variables that I am unaware of. Also, I haven’t seen blood tests, done a physical exam, completed a verbal consultation, or had her complete necessary paperwork. Giving you this type of advice, without the above, could set me up for malpractice (please read disclaimers below) or possibly be of no benefit at addressing the condition. Below is my personal recommendation. Your mother needs the best and she needs routine follow-up, not just an e-mail guess.

Find a local holistic practitioner in your area who can complete the above, give (nutritional, diet, and treatment) recommendations, and do follow-up visits every two weeks. This may be a chiropractor (DC), Naturopath (ND), or Osteopath (DO). Ask your friends and neighbors for referrals and/or call local DC’S, ND’S, and DO’S and ask for referrals.


Marcus Ettinger DC, BSc.