Why do you use plastic bottles, A….. T…… says it’s bad?

Question: I read on one of your competitors sites that acai in plastic bottles is not good; could cause leeching due to high heat, transportation, etc.

Why do you use plastic bottles?

Answer: Kauferlie,

I always find it interesting when I get asked a question that is based on hearsay rather than facts. Did the competitor provide sources to back-up their false and uninformed claims, no they didn’t. Due diligence is a term used for a number of concepts involving either the performance of an investigation of a business or person; here is mine.

Let’s take a look at the paragraph in question.

From the competitors website: “Many other brands also contain guarana (caffeine) and toxic preservatives or are bottled in plastic. Bottling açai in plastic is not recommended because it has to be hot filled at a minimum temperature of 185 F and with this temperature level, there is always the issue of plastic leeching. Not to mention that sunlight exposure or sitting in the back of a hot truck can also lead to plastic leeching which has been linked to many health problems.”

First, where is their source that says potassium sorbate, one of the most common preservatives added to juices and hundreds and hundreds of foods we consume daily, is toxic? I would like to read it. This substance is used in concentrations of less than .01% and has been used since the mid 1940’s. Complete Potassium Sorbate Story Here

Potassium Sorbate is extremely safe. It’s just a combination of the mineral potassium and sorbic acid. Sorbic acid is a natural organic compound used as a food preservative. It was first isolated from the unripe berries of the rowan (Sorbus aucuparia), hence its name.

Potassium Sorbate is probably the safest of all preservatives and I have no reservation consuming it or adding it to any of our products. Also, when we need to use a preservative, I know of no other that I would want to use.

Second, where is their source for the completely misleading statement that says, bottling acai, or any other fruit, in plastic has to be hot-filled? On the contrary it’s glass, not plastic that is usually hot-filled. The reason being, is that when a plastic bottle is hot-fill it expands and when it cools with the cap on it collapses inward into an hourglass shape. In the industry we call it, “paneling of the bottle.” Glass does not do that because it is a far more rigid substance.

Third, where is their source or test results that state the plastic bottles “we” or a “competitor” uses leeches? We only use medical/pharmaceutical grade (the highest grade available, period) plastic bottles for our products. The same grade plastic used in hospitals. Our bottles will not leech into acid or basic solutions and perform as well as glass in regard to inhibiting product oxidation. Our bottles will tolerate temperatures way above boiling and are practically unbreakable. Believe it or not, plastic is more expensive for us to buy than glass. The draw back to glass is that it breaks and the extra packing is very expensive too. With the amount of products we ship around the world we would be replacing quite a lot of broken bottles and/or spending a fortune on Styrofoam (not very “green”/earth friendly). We use a major company’s product with the highest reputation in the medical and consumer goods industry. All of our bottles are sterilized before any juice is put in them.

Forth, where is their source that confirms that “ours” or a “competitors” products are exposed to prolonged sunlight or that they sit in the back of hot trucks? This is too silly to even comment on.

And last but not least, fifth. “Many other brands contain guarana (caffeine).” Where are the facts to back that statement? I know of only two that are easily accessible: Turbonatus (markets theirs as an “energy drink”) and Zola (again, markets theirs as an “energy drink). Both of these companies offer a niche product and don’t make any other claims than, “natural energy source.”

I had to write six paragraphs to critique one. I am glad you didn’t ask me to review the entire site and give you feed back 🙂 I hope this helps. I am just the doctor here and I try to be as analytical and non-biased as possible. I don’t believe that using generalities or bashing and belittling competitors every sold more products. Stating the facts, offering an honest and effective product, while giving the best customer service around, is what does more than make sales; it’s what keeps customers coming back and referring their friends and family. That’s what we’re all about.


Marcus Ettinger DC, BSc

P.S. Please share with me your thoughts on this.

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