Dr. Ettinger Do you have any feedback from any of the patients trying MM? Secondly – a follow up to that blood work of my dads – he had a bone marrow test and turns out he has the following condition: “Normocellular bone marrow with progressive trilineage hematopoiesis, erythroid hyperplasia, and no significant immunophenotypic abnormalities.…
All posts in CoQ10
Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) found in seafood are associated with lower risk of heart disease
Posted on Author MarcusPosted in Anti-Aging, Cholesterol, CoQ10, Diet & Weight Loss, Essential Fatty Acids, Recent Posts
Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) found in seafood are associated with lower risk of heart disease, improved immune function, health advantages in preterm infants and possibly lower risk of suicide, according to new research. These findings and more are summarized in the December 2011 PUFA Newsletter and Fats of Life newsletters for health professionals and…
CoQ10 plays a crucial part in your body’s energy production
Question: I have a question about your Liquid Coenzyme Q10.” If your needs only require 25 mg per day , then our exclusive liquid formulation with essential fatty acids can be easily adjusted to a 60 day supply.” My question is how do measure 25 mg on a daily basis. Answer: Robert, CoQ10 plays a…