Vision Health

Mind/Body medicine is based on the fact that our health and well-being depends on all the individual parts working together effectively. So it should come as no surprise that healthy eyesight is also dependent upon our total well-being, which is affected by our genetic makeup, the food we eat, our work environment and exposure to airborne toxins, as well as our general belief systems about ourselves and the world we live in.

Liquid Power, Magnesium and Reduced Blood Pressure

Question: Hello, My husband was recently diagnosed with high blood pressure and I now need to confirm that none of the supplements he currently takes will aggravate or contribute to this condition.  Can you please let me know if ANY of the ingredients that are in your Liquid Power Ultra Complete Daily Multiple will increase…

Holistic Medicine – An Outline of What It Is!

What is Holistic Medicine? Holistic medicine is the art and science of healing that addresses the whole person – body, mind, and spirit.  The practice of holistic medicine integrates conventional and alternative therapies to prevent and treat disease, and most importantly, to promote optimal health.  This condition of holistic health is defined as the unlimited…

Nutrition vs Alzheimer’s

Nutritional drink and Alzheimer’s Scientists have developed a drink called Souvenaid that is a “medical food”, meaning it’s taken under the guidance of a physician to manage a specific condition. The drink has three components — uridine, choline, and the omega-3 fatty acid DHA — that, working together, help restore synapses, said Dr. Richard Wurtman,…

JAMA Study on Ginkgo biloba Not Quite Clear?

JAMA Study on Ginkgo Biloba Effects on Rate of Cognitive Decline ‘Still Misses the Boat’ – “in fact it may not be in the same ocean.“ The study population should have been one situated closer to the onset of cognitive decline – meaning younger people!  A study released on Tuesday in the December 23/30 issue…

Multivitamins Reduce Blood Pressure

Source: Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition  (07/06/2009) – Edited for grammar and definition. Diseases of the heart and circulation are so common and the public is so well acquainted with the major symptoms that result from cardiovascular disorders that patients, and occasionally physicians, wrongly attribute many unrelated complaints to cardiovascular disease (CVD).  It should…