Q: I was wondering if you know which is a stronger antioxidant Acai or Pomegranate? I hear claims that pom. is stronger than green tea, wine or blueberries but I also hear that acai is stronger than blueberries but I’ve never seen a comparison on the two? what can you tell me? Thanks for the…
Herbs and Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
Q: Hi Doctor, My name is Patty and I have Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD). What herbal supplements do you recommend someone with OCD? Thank you, Patty A: Patty, This is where you want to go – (Link). I would also recommend our Mangosteen Elixir and Ultra Supreme Greens. Sincerely, Marcus Ettinger DC, BSc.
Goji and Clinical Trials
Q: Can you cite specific clinical trials or plans for such trials with regard to goji berries. Most research appears to be based on laboratory studies in China. Thanks Mr. Weisner A: Dear Mr. Weisner, I am not a research scientist nor do I work for NIH or big pharma. You and I are probably…
Can Goji, Noni, or Mangosteen Treat My Deperssion?
Q: I am looking for an alternative method to treat depression, which would be better, noni, mangosteen or goji to take? Thank you Brenda A: Dear Brenda, Goji history states that is also was known as the “happy berry”. Goji, noni, and mangosteen fruit juices are nutritious and ok for us to consume daily. My two cents worth…
Goji and Coumadin (blood thinner) Interaction?
Q: Dear Sir, I would like very much to drink the Goji Juice. Someone mentioned to me that people that are taking the blood thinner Coumadin have to be very careful because the Goji Juice will thin the blood even more. Will you please write back and let me know if this is true and…
Goji – Allergies and Sneezing
Q: I give my grandson who is 10 years old 1 ounce of Goji juice in the morning should I up it to 2? He has allergies and sneezes a lot. Please let me know? June A: Dear June, From my clinical experience, most allergies in kids are a direct result of milk drinking and/or…
Goji Juice – Colon Cancer and Chemo
Q: Hi, My family and I have been using your Goji since March but recently my mom was diagnosed with colon cancer she will be going to chemo in Mid June and I was wondering if we can give her the Goji and the Acai or just one or the other? At this time I…
I Need a Multi Without Ascorbic Acid
Q: My name is Sandy. I need a liquid multi vitamin with little or no vitamin C in it. Ascorbic Acid and citrus make my mouth and throat very sore. If you can help please e-mail me back. Thank you A: Dear Sally, Our Liquid Power multi does not contain ascorbic acid, it contains the patented…
Total Detox – How Does it Clean the Colon
Q:Â How is a liquid going to cleanse the colon in the total detox 3 formula? A:Â Larry, Good question. The ingredients stimulate peristalsis thus the colon will move more freely and more rapidly thus it cleans house. Sincerely, Dr. E
Goji Berries and Oxalates
Q: Do the Goji berries contain oxalates? Or can you tell me the oxalate content. thank you A: Dear Sarah, I am unaware of whether or not goji berries contain oxalates. Most berries do contain a very tiny amount of oxalate/oxalic acid. Unless there is an allergy to oxalates, predisposition to kidney stones, chronic ulcers,…