Picture of you on the plane

“Some people think we only post fantastic testimonials and helpful information, we actually post it all.”


“I was going to make a purchase of the Acai products that you have available until I seen one of the owners wearing an atheist shirt. I know it really does not matter to you but I do not support atheists. I will spread the word through the Christian Community as well.”

N. Abraham


Mr. Abraham,

If I wear a shirt that says Ford does that mean I hate Chevrolet? It may, but 99% of the time it doesn’t. It’s more likely that the person wearing the shirt likes or has a fondness for Ford’s.

Assuming, that you know the answer to a question before you have all the facts, by definition, is ignorant/ignorance. I do not mean this in a derogatory fashion, as we are all ignorant to things we don’t know or are unaware of.

1. Lacking knowledge or information as to a particular subject or fact: ignorant of quantum physics.
2. Uninformed; unaware.

Without getting into a dissertation on being non-judgmental, non-evaluative and non-invalidative; all good Christian values, I will just cut to the chase.

The T-shirt I am wearing in the referenced picture is from a store in Soho, New York called, “Evolution”. I bought it while on a business trip in 2006 (links to the store below). As a doctor of chiropractic (a doctor who specializes in the skeletal system) I have a fascination with skeletons and have a few shirts with skeletons on them. There is no hidden meaning in it, it’s just a shirt. (shirt in question)


At this point, I would like to respectfully request that you reevaluate this situation with the new and accurate data that has now been brought to light. You may even want to print this and consult with your pastor or another trusted Christian advisor, for their take on this matter. Labeling people is not productive (see passage below). Look at what happened in World War II when the Nazi’s labeled the Jews and the hundreds of years that the Catholics and Protestants killed each other, just because of a label.


Marcus Ettinger DC, BSc.

P.S. And by the way, I am a religious person, far from being an atheist. My favorite passage and one that I live by, “As a man thinks in his heart, so is he.” [Proverbs 23:7]