Staying Young

Q: Do I need to stop taking supplements after taking it for a few months? And then resume after a month or so? Any side effects?


A: Dear Francis,

This is one of my favorite supplements available on the market today and can be taking for extended periods without building up a tolerance.

Here’s the scoop:

I am a longevity researcher as a hobby. I am 42 and want to stay looking and feeling young for as long as I can. I also don’t have $1,000 a month to spend on human growth hormone replacement, so I need the next best thing.

Here is my daily GH and muscle stimulating routine:

8:00 AM – I take 1 scoop of our whey protein isolate powder, in a shake, first thing in the morning (I also add 1 tblsp of flax and wheat germ oil). Then I work out for 45 min to an hour (very important!!!!).
10:00 AM – I take a couple of Branch Chain Amino Acid (BCAA) caps (can be found at any health food store). This keeps a positive nitrogen balance in the blood, mandatory for protein synthesis, lean muscle development.
1:00 PM lunch with 2 more BCAA’s
5:00 or 6:00 PM – I eat a nice protein and vegetable dinner with no starchy carbohydrates. No BCAA’s.
10:00 or 10:30 PM – 1/2 hr. before bed I do push-ups and sit-ups (very important!!!!) and take 1 tablespoon of Hydrolyzed Marine Grade Collagen with water (is stimulated by sleep, fasting and exercise and requires the ingredients in Hydrolyzed Marine Grade Collagen).

That’s it.


Marcus Ettinger DC, BSc.