Can noni juice benefit someone with a pituitary ademoma?

Can noni juice benefit someone with a pituitary ademoma?

Question: Dear Sir or Madam, I am writing to kindly inquire about noni juice’s benefits. Can people diagnosed with pituitary adenoma have benefits by using Noni juice? Thank you very much indeed for the time you have given me. Please reply as soon as possible. I am looking forward to hearing from you. Mr. G.…

Pomegranate Juice May One Day be a Treatment or Preventative for Prostate Cancer?

Compounds in Pomegranate Juice May Help Curb Prostate Cancer, Lab Tests Show By Miranda Hitti WebMD Medical News Reviewed by Louise Chang, MD (Corrections made by Marcus Ettinger DC, BSc are in Italics) Sept. 20, 2007 — Natural chemicals in pomegranate juice may slow the growth of prostate cancer, according to scientists at the University…

Goji: Health Elixir or Pricey Juice?

Small Red Berry from Tibet Is Attracting a Lot of Attention By BRITTANY OAT July 14, 2006 – Although Ponce de Leon never found what he was looking for, the human quest for longevity continued. Now nutritionist Earl Mindell, author of the bestselling book “The New Vitamin Bible,” believes he has discovered an anti-aging secret…

Role of iodine in evolution and carcinogenesis of thyroid, breast and stomach.

The authors have hypothesized that dietary iodine (deficiency or excess) is associated with the development of some gastric and mammary cancers, as it is well-known for thyroid cancer. They report a short review of their own work and of the general literature on this correlation and on the antioxidant function of iodide in stomach, breast…

Pomegranates May Slow Prostate Cancer – 01/07/2006

The Daily Telegraph, United Kingdom By Roger Highfield, Science Editor (Filed: 01/07/2006) The bottles of pomegranate juice flown to Germany to stop England’s football players wilting in the stifling heat could have other health benefits, according to a study published today that suggests the juice can combat prostate cancer. Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA) is a…