Goji: Health Elixir or Pricey Juice?

Small Red Berry from Tibet Is Attracting a Lot of Attention By BRITTANY OAT July 14, 2006 – Although Ponce de Leon never found what he was looking for, the human quest for longevity continued. Now nutritionist Earl Mindell, author of the bestselling book “The New Vitamin Bible,” believes he has discovered an anti-aging secret…

Goji Juice and Insulin Dependent Diabetes

Q: How will Goji juice effect an insulin dependent person? Thanks, Angie A: Dear Angie, Goji juice has a mild-moderate glycemic index rating and as such may possibly raise your blood glucose levels, although there are a few studies that have shown goji being beneficial for diabetics. Two reports I’ve read indicate that goji possesses…

Goji and Clinical Trials

Q: Can you cite specific clinical trials or plans for such trials with regard to goji berries. Most research appears to be based on laboratory studies in China. Thanks Mr. Weisner A: Dear Mr. Weisner, I am not a research scientist nor do I work for NIH or big pharma. You and I are probably…