Noni vs Goji

Which juice is better, Goji or Noni?

Question: Dear Dr. Ettinger,

Which juice is better, Goji or Noni?

AB, Canada

Answer: Scot,

Noni and goji are totally different, like strawberries and grapes or carrots and broccoli. These fruits and vegetables are both different and both very good for you. That’s why it’s best to have a variety of fruits and vegetables in your diet. This philosophy can also apply to juices. So the choice is yours. We offer blends (Mangosteen Elixir, Acai Max, and Goji Fusion) or 100% juices like our Naked Noni or Absolute Goji. A lot of our customers buy a couple of each. I hope this was of some help.


Marcus Ettinger DC, BSc.