Q: Dear Sir, I would like very much to drink the Goji Juice. Someone mentioned to me that people that are taking the blood thinner Coumadin have to be very careful because the Goji Juice will thin the blood even more. Will you please write back and let me know if this is true and…
All posts in Frequently Asked Questions
Total Detox – How Does it Clean the Colon
Q:Â How is a liquid going to cleanse the colon in the total detox 3 formula? A:Â Larry, Good question. The ingredients stimulate peristalsis thus the colon will move more freely and more rapidly thus it cleans house. Sincerely, Dr. E
Goji Berries and Oxalates
Q: Do the Goji berries contain oxalates? Or can you tell me the oxalate content. thank you A: Dear Sarah, I am unaware of whether or not goji berries contain oxalates. Most berries do contain a very tiny amount of oxalate/oxalic acid. Unless there is an allergy to oxalates, predisposition to kidney stones, chronic ulcers,…
Goji Juice and Pregnancy
Q: Is it safe to take the goji juice when pregnant? Thanks, Evelyne A: Dear Evelyne, I have to answer this question like a politician, giving you an answer without taking a yes or no position. My wife drank Goji juice everyday of her pregnancy. Our daughter is two now and she drinks goji juice,…
Acai – Is It Safe for a Child
Q: Greetings! Is it safe for my 13 year old daughter to take Acai? A: Dear Robin, Yes it is. Acai juice, like Mangosteen juice, or goji juice, or noni juice, is just a really healthy and nutritious fruit juice. Sincerely, Marcus Ettinger DC, BSc.
Goji Spectral Signature
Q: Does your Goji Juice (Absolute Goji, Goji Fusion) meet the spectral signature requirements that Freelife’s Himalayan Goji Juice has? I’m shopping for the best. Thanks, Denae Knoxville, TN. A: Denae, First, do you know what a “spectral signature” is or what it is used for? 99.9% of scientists, doctors and the like don’t and…
Mangosteen Xanthone Percentages
Q: Dear Doctor, Can you please tell me the percentage of xanthones present in your Mangosteen Elixir? I can’t find it anywhere on your website. Also why doesn’t anyone else list the amount per ounce of liquid or gram of powder? Sincerely, Rhonda M. A: Rhonda, There is a lot of controversy and confusion regarding…
Liquid GHR-Pro+ or Liquid Natural H.R.T.
Q: 1. Does the Liquid GHR-Pro+ and the Liquid natural H.R.T Advanced do the same thing. After reading the product information in your catalog I thought they had different functions. 2. Would I be overdosing on hormones if I took BOTH products? 3. Should I wait and save it until I finish the first bottle?…
Goji and Noni at the same time?
Can you use both products at the same time? Would there be any benefit or harm from this? Thank you, Pat Dear Pat, Yes you can. Being that Goji and Noni are just fruits there is no harm. That said, two different fruits a day would be better than two of the same fruit eaten…
Will Goji Juice Help To Rev-Up A Slow Metabolism Due To Menopause?
Q: Will goji juice help to rev up a slow metabolism due to menopause? Thank you. A: Dear R. M., I wish I could say, “Yes it will” but I can’t. Fruit juices of any kind are not designed to speed up a slow metabolism. Your situation may be a result of many things, such…