Question: Dear Dr. Ettinger, I am a white female, 62 years old, and was diagnosed with fibromylgia 30 years ago, and RA l0 years ago. Standard treatment for the RA has led to current Enbrel, along with methotrexate and Celebrex. Savella for the fibromylgia. Fatigue, over exertion and infections will trigger a flair. Am still…
All posts in Health Conditions
Are there any reactions with medications such as blood pressure, diabetes, or cholesterol or other vitamins that I should be aware of before taking any of this sea buckthorn?
Question: Dear Dr. Ettinger, Are there any reactions with medications such as blood pressure, diabetes, or cholesterol or other vitamins that I should be aware of before taking any of this sea buckthorn? I also take vitamin C, vitamin E and fish oil. Answer: Linda, You will be fine with the addition of our…
Our Kids, Food Allergies, Cancer, the Informed and the Rest of Us
17 April 2011 Today’s standard of medical care is to treat all diseases and symptoms with drugs or surgery. The problem here is that prescription drugs don’t correct the underlying cause – the nutritional, biochemical or structural imbalances. In fact, prescription drugs usually create more problems and actually make it harder for the body to…
I wonder what do you offer to treat hair loss?
Dr. Ettinger, I wonder what do you offer to treat hair loss. Do you have a specific line of products or just products to enhance general well being ? Your advice will be greatly appreciated . Viva Viva, I have personally researched this area for years and there is no effective, natural substance for hair…
What could I take instead of statins to help lower my cholesterol?
Question: I am a 64 yo female. I walk and exercise regularly for a good year and a half. My cholesterol just read at 299. My HDL are fairly high. I have been on fish oil caps, a good multi, CoQ10, 50mg’s during that time. I have just recently added green tea extract caps x…
How many times a day should I use Whey Protein Isolate Plus?
Question: Hey Dr Ettinger, can you please tell me how many times a day I should use your Whey Protein Gold Isolate Plus and would that dose be different if I had sickle cell anemia? Thanks ahead for your time. David Answer: David, The dose of the our protein isolate would be once per day…
Tamanu Oil for Blepharitis and Melasma?
I came across some info on the internet about Tamanu Oil and that it can be used for conjunctivitis or blepharitis (I assume it’s because of its anti-bacterial, anti-microbial, anti-fungal properties). If so, should it be applied undiluted or diluted (with a Q-tip)? I also suffer from long-standing hyperpigmentation (uneven patches/streaks on my cheeks) on my cheeks and old acne scars which are more like shallow, irregular craters. Will tanamu oil help in filling in the indentations?
Organic Sea Buckthorn Oil for Dry Eye Syndrome
Question: This product (Pure Organic Sea Buckthorn Oil) was recommended to me for dry eyes. Does it help this condition, and if so, how? Thank you. Emma Reid Answer: Emma, Research has shown that Sea Buckthorn Oil may help relieve symptoms of “dry eye syndrome”. Sea buckthorn is rich in essential fatty acids and antioxidants.…
Seasonal Cold and Flu (Swine – H1N1) Preparedness – A Natural Approach
Seasonal and Swine Flu (H1N1) Preparedness – A Natural Approach by Dr. Marcus Ettinger To make a long story short – My family and I are not going to be vaccinated for the “seasonal flu” or “H1N1 Flu virus”. We are taking my Proactive Nutritional Protocol (see below). In 21 years as a holistic practitioner,…
Antioxidant Nutrients and Atopic Dermatitis in Children
Source: European Journal of Clinical Nutrition Eczema is a chronic skin condition, characterized by dry, red, flaky patches of skin. Eczema appears most commonly on the face, neck, elbows, wrists, knees, behind the ears, and on the scalp. During acute episodes, the patches become oozing, inflamed, and itchy. There are currently two recognized classifications of…