I was wondering if you will be offering the 100% Acai juice?

Question: I was wondering if you will be offering the 100% Acai juice like you do the Mangosteen? I love your products! I was a devoted New Vision International Mangosteen user until I discovered yours. It is so much better! Thanks! Melissa Murphey Answer: Melissa, We have been contemplating the idea of a 100% acai…

A Few Words About our Bottles

Question: Dear CAOH Doc, Can you tell me what kind of plastic are used for your Noni Juice. You’ve explained that they are “frosted” to reduce the UV radiation exposure and resulting “deterioration of the juice.” However, I would like to know just how stable this plastic is (say compared to glass bottles), and the…

Sports Illustrated for Women (September, 2003) Ranks Acai Berry “One of the 41 Top Things on Earth”

California Academy of Health’s Acai Max contains USDA Organic Certified Acai, the purest form of acai fruit. The acai berry is a tiny, round, and blackish purple fruit that looks like a grape, but in fact has more than double the antioxidant power of blueberries and 30 times more anthocyanins than a glass of red…

Which juice is better, Goji or Noni?

Which juice is better, Goji or Noni?

Question: Dear Dr. Ettinger, Which juice is better, Goji or Noni? Scot AB, Canada Answer: Scot, Noni and goji are totally different, like strawberries and grapes or carrots and broccoli. These fruits and vegetables are both different and both very good for you. That’s why it’s best to have a variety of fruits and vegetables…