Noni made me pain-free and strong

Dear CAOH,

About five years ago, one of my teammates told me about Noni Juice.  At the time, I was approaching fifty and playing competitive baseball.  I work out quite a bit, so I know what my body can do and how fast it heals.  After taking Noni, I noticed my body was healing faster than it normally did.

I also golf once or twice a week with a special tournament during the summer.  At that time, we were playing 90 holes in three days and by the last round I would always be hurting pretty good.  After using Noni for baseball, I decided to try it for the golf tournament.  I took a sixteen ounce bottle with me to last the three days.  My legs never got tired, my back didn’t become ambulatory and some of the other golfers actually asked me why I wasn’t gimping around like they were!  Noni.

I had never taken that much Noni before, so before the next baseball game, I took five ounces.  I pitched that game (about one hundred throws), then again two days later and a game three days after that at shortstop.  I was amazed at how the swelling and pain that normally accompanied that much throwing just wasn’t there!  Pain free — strong — Noni.

To all the athletes out there — give Noni a try.  Hopefully you will have similar results.  And yes, five years later I’m still playing and still taking Noni — with a little extra on game day!

Chex — Minnesota