I don’t think we should be taking food from whales – astaxanthin

I don’t think we should be taking food from whales – astaxanthin

“I don’t think we should be taking food from whales.” Charlene Charlene, No one is taking food from whales. Where did you get your information? Almost all if not all supplemental astaxanthin is derived from natural sources, such as the microalgae Haematococcus pluvialis (see below) or the pink yeast Xanthophyllomyces dendrorhous. ASTAXANTHIN, a member of…

Normocellular bone marrow with progressive trilineage hematopoiesis

Normocellular bone marrow with progressive trilineage hematopoiesis

Dr. Ettinger Do you have any feedback from any of the patients trying MM? Secondly – a follow up to that blood work of my dads – he had a bone marrow test and turns out he has the following condition: “Normocellular bone marrow with progressive trilineage hematopoiesis, erythroid hyperplasia, and no significant immunophenotypic abnormalities.…

Sea Buckthorn Oil is Obliphica Oil and Obiphica Oil is Sea Buckthorn Oil – in Israel

Sea Buckthorn Oil is Obliphica Oil and Obiphica Oil is Sea Buckthorn Oil – in Israel

Moshe, Yes, obliphica oil is a synonym for Sea Buckthorn Oil. As far as I can tell it’s only utilized for Sea Buckthorn Oil used in products consumed and/or made in Israel – Obliphica Oil. Personally I think it’s just a created term to sound more exotic than straight Sea Buckthorn Oil. Just guessing here.…

Is Probitic Flora-Health Safe While Breast Feeding? Yes!

Is Probitic Flora-Health Safe While Breast Feeding? Yes!

Question: Hi Dr. Ettinger, I don’t know if you will remember me or not. I saw you many years ago for photo-faicals for my skin and you have since helped me with vitamins to help with my celiac disease. I love/loved the Probiotic Flora-Health the most. I really notice a difference in feeling much better…

Noni is great for Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD)

Noni is great for Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD)

Question: Hello, my grandmother gave me a booklet about noni juice. She has Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). The booklet she showed me was from this company – tahitiannoni.com My question is, I’m looking for as close to pure as possible noni juice. My grandmom won’t mind taking it straight but what can we use to…

Where’s the iron, supplement that is?

Where’s the iron, supplement that is?

Question: I was looking for iron on your website & did not find anything in the general area or under the Women’s section. Do you not carry that supplement? Thanks Julie Answer: Julie, You request something and we answer your request! Our Vegetarian Iron Complex™ utilizes the Albion Labs patented Ferrochel® Iron chelate where research…

Do you have a vegetarian iron supplement with folate and not folic acid?

Do you have a vegetarian iron supplement with folate and not folic acid?

Question: I’m interested in your Vegetarian Iron Complex, but I don’t want to buy any supplements with folic acid in them.  Is the folate listed in your Vegetarian Iron Complex true folate or folic acid? Thanks, Julia Answer: Julia, Our “folate” is “folate”, not folic acid. I’m sure your are already aware that the terms…

What is Krill Oil and What are the Benefits of Krill Oil?

What is Krill Oil and What are the Benefits of Krill Oil?

What is Krill Oil? Krill are tiny crustaceans that live in the cold, pristine waters of the Antarctic Ocean. Antarctic Krill are so plentiful that they are thought to be one of the most abundant animal species on earth, and are harvested as a renewable resource. Because their habitat is so remote, deep and cold,…