Organic Sea Buckthorn Oil for Dry Eye Syndrome

Question: This product (Pure Organic Sea Buckthorn Oil) was recommended to me for dry eyes. Does it help this condition, and if so, how?  Thank you. Emma Reid Answer: Emma, Research has shown that Sea Buckthorn Oil may help relieve symptoms of “dry eye syndrome”. Sea buckthorn is rich in essential fatty acids and antioxidants.…

My Thoughts On Taking Warfarin/Coumadin With Certain Fruits

Q: Hello, I am on Warfarin therapy and I would like to know if the Acai berry has too high a level of salicylates as a lot of red/purple berries have, therefore thinning the blood too much. Regards Susan Armstrong A: Susan, I am going to write my personal definitive statement here so I can…

Synergy – the Essence of Health!

Synergy – the Essence of Health! Marcus Stewart Ettinger DC, BSc. Chief Science Officer (CSO) California Academy of Health Copyright © May 23, 2006, By Dr. Marcus Ettinger and California Academy of Health, Inc. A 100% pure, nothing added, nutritional juice or nutritional supplement sounds great when advertised and looks good on paper but the…