10/12/2007 – The antioxidant capacity of fresh fruit and vegetables does not decrease during storage, and the polyphenol content even increases, suggests new research. According to Belgian researchers from the University of Liege, storing selected fruit and vegetables at room temperature or under refrigeration did not result in any loss of phenolic compounds, ascorbic acid…
All posts tagged fruit

How much protein is in noni juice?
Question: How many grams of protein are in your 100% noni juice and also how much in your non 100% juice? Marcia Lacy Answer: Marcia, Fruit in general is not a very good protein source and noni is no exception. Noni has less than 1/2 gram of protein per one ounce of juice. Sincerely, Marcus…
I have a couple of questions about your Mangosteen product.
Question: Hi, I have a couple of questions about your Mangosteen product. I would like to use the mangosteen as a therapeutic agent. I have taken a product called Xango for a few weeks. I have not been able to determine how much mangosteen whole fruit is actually in the product. I see that yours…
Do both of your mangosteen juices use the fruit and the rind (whole fruit)?
From CAOH Customer Service: A lady called asking about pure mangosteen and whether or not it was made from the whole fruit. She said that some other company had a patent on making mangosteen from the whole fruit so how could this be? I told her that was beyond what I had info on as…
Sports Illustrated for Women (September, 2003) Ranks Acai Berry “One of the 41 Top Things on Earth”
California Academy of Health’s Acai Max contains USDA Organic Certified Acai, the purest form of acai fruit. The acai berry is a tiny, round, and blackish purple fruit that looks like a grape, but in fact has more than double the antioxidant power of blueberries and 30 times more anthocyanins than a glass of red…
Should Acai Be Freez Dried?
Question: Had a question? I have been reading other site and they all say that the acai should be freeze dried within 24 hours or the product degrades and that only the powder or freeze dried is the best as in retaining all the nutrients’. Is this true and how dose your company get the…
Acai Juice for Diabetes, Renal Disease and High Blood Pressure?
Question: Can acai juice be taken by someone with diabetic/end stage renal disease diet and high blood pressure? John Z. Answer: Dear John, I personally don’t know of any contraindications to drinking acai juice. It’s just a fruit juice, so if you can drink fruit juice you’re most likely going to be fine with the…
Is Genesis Today’s Goji 100 really pure Goji Juice? You Decide!
“A picture is worth a thousand words.” This is what [our] raw Goji Juice looks like before we ad our proprietary camu-camu fruit blend. It looks just like raw carrot juice, alive and vibrant. This is 100% pure goji juice. Below is Genesis’ Goji 100! It’s almost black with a thickness like molasses or syrup.…
A Few Questions Regarding Your Goji Juice
Q: Dear Sir: I have a few questions regarding your goji juice. Do you use the berry stems in your juice? Also, do you have polysaccharides in it, if so, how many? Also, what species of Goji berries do you use and where are they grown? Also, do you have any kind of guarantee with…
Mangosteen, Goji, Noni – HBP, Low Thyroid & Endometriosis
I am trying to decide whether to purchase Magnosteen elixir, goji or noni juice. I do have hypertension, hypothryoidism and endometriosis. Which product would benefit me the most and how much should I take? Thank You . Kathy Dear Kathy, First I want you to remember that these are nutritional fruit juices, they are not…