Vitamin E may cut heart disease risk in diabetics

10/19/2007 – Supplements of vitamin E may counteract complications in type-2 diabetics linked to an increased risk of heart disease, says a new study from Italy. Daily vitamin E supplements (500 International Units) were found to decrease levels of a protein associated with higher risk of atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries) and ultimately cardiovascular disease…

Mangosteen and 9 different medications

Q: Hello, I am interested in your mangosteen drink. I am a severely depressed person, with heart disease/high blood pressure and am also very overweight. I also suffered a stroke in 2003. My question- can I take this with my medications? (I currently take 9 different prescription pills a day for the above medical conditions.…

What’s in your milk?

It always amazes me to discover just how many consumers have been brainwashed by dairy industry advertising into thinking that milk from cows is some sort of essential food for humans. In reality, cow’s milk is perfect nutrition for baby cows, but nutritionally incompatible with humans, most of whom are actually allergic to the substance.…