Question: Hello Dr. Ettinger, I have used the California Academy of Health Products for many years. I love them and will continue using them. However, my question is about another company’s products. Have you heard of Rain Nutrition? They are selling products called Soul (antioxidant liquid) and Pure (probiotics with some special patented coating). I…
All posts tagged liquid
Regarding your Liquid Power
Question: Is it possible to get Liquid Power without the synthetic vitamins in the formula? Thanks. Joel Haubenstock Answer: Joel, Liquid Power is Liquid Power. I know of no whole-food supplement that possesses as broad a range of phytonutrients and other nutraceuticals as Liquid Power. Our Liquid Power is formulated for everyone. We have incorporated…

Goji vs Noni or is it Liquid Power?
Question: In your opinion, which is more beneficial to a 62 year old woman who just wants to feel good and stay healthy – almost naked noni juice or goji juice? I have been buying the noni juice, but am reading the testimonials and benefits of goji juice, as well, and now i just don’t…
Liquid Coral Calcium Questions
Dear Doctor, My mother has osteoporosis…Will your Liquid Coral Calcium supply her with enough Calcium? How can I be assured that the Coral was not harvested from live reefs? The Label says 2100mg Coral Calcium and then 575mg below that. What does this mean? Please get back to me at your…
I am severely anemic and my doctor recommended I take up to 325 mg of iron a day
Question: Hi my name is Susan, I am severely anemic and my doctor recommended I take up to 325 mg of iron a day, do you have a product that can meet these requirements in a liquid or powder form? Any help is appreciated. Thank you, Susan D Answer: Susan, First, are you sure it…
Is there enough CoQ10 in Liquid Power?
Question: We have been taking both your Liquid Power and Goji Juice for several months now. My husband is a recent cancer (b-cell lymphoma) survivor and has heart disease. I cannot determine from the ingredient list how much COQ-10 is in the Liquid Power. I am wondering if we need to add that to our…
Can you tell me what Liquid Power’s ORAC Value is?
Question: Hello, Can you tell me what the ORAC Value per two ounces is in your Vitamin and Mineral supplements? Thank you, LuAnn Answer: Lu Ann, We don’t perform ORAC testing on any of our products. I have had a very successful and large holistic practice in Southern California for almost 18 years. I carry…
Liquid Power – Testimonial 07/26/2007
I just completed my second month on Liquid Power. I have severe osteoarthritis in my knees. Within 3 weeks I was walking without pain! I purchased Liquid Coral Calcium and am finishing my first bottle. I feel great. By the way, I just turned 60. I definitely will continue with Liquid Power forever. Since Liquid…
Liquid Power and Lecithin Questions
Question: How about adding probiotics to Liquid Power? And lecithin from soy, little concerned about estrogen from soy. What do you think? Thanks, Greg Answer: Greg, Thanks for the questions. Probiotics are killed by the HCl in the stomach. The preferred method of delivery is for the capsule to be enteric coated, that way it…
Liquid Power – Testimonial 01/15/2007
“I feel that taking your liquid vitamins (Liquid Power) and another supplement (Thyodine), I have eliminated my depression and have helped get my hypothyroidism in check. I will not stop taking these supplements.” M.D.