Liver Cancer Appears to Be Rarer in Coffee Drinkers Than in People Who Don’t Drink Coffee Aug. 2, 2007 — Could a cup of coffee cut your risk of developing liver cancer? It just might, but as always we’ll wait for what the next study says. A new report, published in the August edition of…
All posts tagged Marcus Ettinger
I was wondering if you will be offering the 100% Acai juice?
Question: I was wondering if you will be offering the 100% Acai juice like you do the Mangosteen? I love your products! I was a devoted New Vision International Mangosteen user until I discovered yours. It is so much better! Thanks! Melissa Murphey Answer: Melissa, We have been contemplating the idea of a 100% acai…
Pomegranate and Acia Together? Yes
Q: Please tell me the benefits of pomegranate juice. I have heard that it prevents lung cancer is this true & if so is it substantiated? I currently use acai-max twice a day is there a benefit to adding pomegranate to this therapy? My father lost his battle with lung cancer 5 years ago. A…
When Face-to-Face is Better
Question: Dear Doctor, I hope you can help me. My mother has a extremely thin stomach lining and has several life threatening stomach bleeds. The doctors have said there is nothing more they can do. There has to be something that will either build her stomach lining or coat it. She is on iron pills…
A Few Words About our Bottles
Question: Dear CAOH Doc, Can you tell me what kind of plastic are used for your Noni Juice. You’ve explained that they are “frosted” to reduce the UV radiation exposure and resulting “deterioration of the juice.” However, I would like to know just how stable this plastic is (say compared to glass bottles), and the…
ORAC – Analysis – Flash Pasteurization
Rick, Here you go. If you have additional questions please feel free to e-mail me. 1. What are the respective ORAC values of each juice you products. Orac my opinion! 2. What lab do you use for testing and do you have any reproducible letters from this lab to show potential customers? All of our…
Macular Degeneration
Q: Hi Doc ! I am desperate to find a solution to my 91 yr. old mother’s dry macular degeneration. For the last 2 years at my urging she has taken a handful of recommended “eye vitamins” (Vitacost’s Ocu-Power, plus additional lutein, zeaxanthin, ginkgo, etc.) with no improvement. She has blue eyes and gardened many…
Thyroid Condition Since 2003
Good Afternoon, Thanks for the offering this forum so I can ask about thyroid conditions. I have had a thyroid condition since 2003, I just turned 48 and though I’ve been on medication since my doctor discovered my problem, I cannot get my thyroid regulated. As a result I have gained almost 30 pounds. I…
CAOH – Testimonial 5/04/2007
This e-mail was sent to myself and five other top juice manufactures, Genesis Today and Dynamic Health being two of them. Scroll to the bottom to read the wonderful testimonial Sam sent me. Dear Sirs, My concern as a lay person and customer of dietary supplements and Juices, I find that every supplier makes claims…
Should Acai Be Freez Dried?
Question: Had a question? I have been reading other site and they all say that the acai should be freeze dried within 24 hours or the product degrades and that only the powder or freeze dried is the best as in retaining all the nutrients’. Is this true and how dose your company get the…