Hi Dr. E., I’ve been taking the Total Detox for over a week; and I have a question or two. I was really expecting at least 2-3 bowel movements/day. Sometimes I have one, sometimes none! I’m thinking maybe I’m using too much water? I don’t think it said “How Much” water or juice to use.…
All posts in Herbal Formulas
Liquid GHR-Pro+ or Liquid Natural H.R.T.
Q: 1. Does the Liquid GHR-Pro+ and the Liquid natural H.R.T Advanced do the same thing. After reading the product information in your catalog I thought they had different functions. 2. Would I be overdosing on hormones if I took BOTH products? 3. Should I wait and save it until I finish the first bottle?…
Ultra Supreme Greens and Increased Urination
CAOH’s Ultra Supreme Greens can have that effect on some people.
I am 42 but feel like 18
Patrick, I am 42 years old, 5’9″, 175 lbs. My wife is a personal trainer and we built a 260sqft gym at our house. I have two businesses, a wife and two kids and tons of stress. My blood pressure can be high at times also. It sound like were twins.

What Does Dr. Ettinger Take?
What I take is based on almost 20 years of personal research, trial and luckily no error. My program has changed over the years based on what my current health goals are.