Lift Weights, Stay Young

Resistance training turns back the clock – literally making muscles younger through regular workouts, new research by an Australian scientist shows.

Californian-based genetic scientist Simon Melov found that light weight training rejuvenated the muscle tissue in a group of elderly people to a level similar to a group of young people who did not lift weights.

Dr. Melov, who is originally from Sydney, said people generally lose about 1 percent of their muscle strength per year beginning at 40.

In the US, muscle atrophy functionally debilitates 7 percent of adults over 70 and up to 20 percent over age 80.

Health issues related to muscle atrophy costs the US health system an estimated $22 billion annually.

“It’s all very well and good to be told, ‘if you exercise it’s good for you’,” he said.

“It’s another thing to be told, ‘if you exercise you’re actually rejuvenating your muscle and it’s making you literally younger’.


“The body remodels as a direct result of the effects produced by the physical, nutritional, and emotional stresses or influences it is subjected to.”

This Law is absolute and can be applied to the presence of or absence of physical, nutritional, and mental stresses or influences. Original quote from a lecture I gave at Los Angeles College of Chiropractic 1989

The harsh truth is this; look in the mirror with your clothes off and take an honest, long look at what you see? Is it how you were hoping to look at this point in your life?

What you see in front of you, right now, is EXACTLY WHAT YOU CREATED – KNOWINGLY OR UNKNOWINGLY.

Remember it is a law so it works 100% of the time.

For information on my coaching services you can contact me at [email protected]

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