Goji: Health Elixir or Pricey Juice?

Small Red Berry from Tibet Is Attracting a Lot of Attention By BRITTANY OAT July 14, 2006 – Although Ponce de Leon never found what he was looking for, the human quest for longevity continued. Now nutritionist Earl Mindell, author of the bestselling book “The New Vitamin Bible,” believes he has discovered an anti-aging secret…

Goji and Adult Onset Diabetes

Q: Ok, here is a specific question. Stated in the literature of Goji, it says that is can be beneficial for people with the onset of diabetes. Will it lower blood sugar in someone who has had diabetes for a while and is taking medication? And what are the long term benefits? This information is…

Goji and Coumadin (blood thinner) Interaction?

Q: Dear Sir, I would like very much to drink the Goji Juice. Someone mentioned to me that people that are taking the blood thinner Coumadin have to be very careful because the Goji Juice will thin the blood even more. Will you please write back and let me know if this is true and…