What is The Glycemic Index?

Dear Dr. Ettinger, What is the Glycemic Index? A: The Glycemic Index (GI) is a measuring system that ranks carbohydrates on the extent to which they raise blood sugars levels after eating. It makes a gram for gram comparison of carbohydrates in individual foods, and provides a measurable, evidence-based index of the concentration of glucose…

10 reasons why you should add California Academy of Health’s – Gold Isolate Plus to you daily routine

By: Marcus S. Ettinger DC, BSc. Gold Isolate Plus contains an ample supply of the amino acid cysteine. Cysteine appears to enhance glutathione levels, which has been shown to have strong antioxidant properties. (Counous, 2000). Low glutathione contributes to oxidative stress, which plays a key role in aging and the pathogenesis of many diseases (including…

Summertime Shape-up (fat-loss) Program

Dr. Marcus Ettinger’s Golden Rules for Everyday Eating Marcus Stewart Ettinger DC, BSc. Chief Science Officer (CSO) California Academy of Health Copyright © June 22, 2006, By Dr. Marcus Ettinger and California Academy of Health, Inc. Eat six small meals per day.* Have protein with each meal. Only eat Low Glycemic Index** carbohydrates with protein.…

Goji and Adult Onset Diabetes

Q: Ok, here is a specific question. Stated in the literature of Goji, it says that is can be beneficial for people with the onset of diabetes. Will it lower blood sugar in someone who has had diabetes for a while and is taking medication? And what are the long term benefits? This information is…