Why is Acai being touted as a weight reduction product if it isn’t?

Why is Acai being touted as a weight reduction produce if it isn’t? What is it’s value to the user? Acai is a potent, polyphenol rich, antioxidant. It can be used as a preventative or treatment whenever a super-strong antioxidant is indicated/required. I take it as a preventative and anti-aging nutrient.

Absolute Acai, absolutely made my hair and nails grow

Good Morning! Heather, can you please increase my order of Absolute Acai Powder to 2 every 30 days instead of the one I am receiving now?  Thank you so much! Regina Janicki Okay Regina, I have taken care of this. So your mid July shipment will have 2 packages instead of 1. Sincerely, Heather Thank…

Berries the Superfruit; Learn How Small Amounts in Your Diet Can Have a Huge Impact on Your Health

While mom always recommended getting those extra servings of fruits and vegetables, she probably wasn’t aware of all the health benefits packed into those nutrient-dense pieces of produce. She might likewise be stunned at the impact delivered by the smallest of fruits—berries. With rich nutritional value, berries can be found in a range of dietary supplements, functional foods and beverages, and even cosmeceutical products.

Berries the “Superfruit” The Healing Antioxidant Effects and Powers of Berries

While mom always recommended getting those extra servings of fruits and vegetables, she probably wasn’t aware of all the health benefits packed into those nutrient-dense pieces of produce. She might likewise be stunned at the impact delivered by the smallest of fruits—berries. With rich nutritional value, berries can be found in a range of dietary…

What type of container is your Acai Max packaged in, glass or plastic?

Q: What type of container is your Acai Max packaged in, glass or plastic? I hear that if acai juice is put in plastic, there is a chance of leaching??? Gary A: Gary, We use medical/food grade plastic and the data on leaching does not apply to our plastic in question. Please follow the link…