Question: Dr. Ettinger, I prefer whey protein isolate capsules to the powder form. Could you recommend a high quality capsule that would compare to your Whey Protein Gold Isolate Powder Thank you so much Steve Answer: Steve, 1 scoop of powder would add-up to about 30-40 caps (estimate). I don’t think that there is anyone…
All posts tagged whey

California Academy of Health Catalog
Organic Juices andSuper Fruits – Foods Acai (Euterpe oleracea L.) Acai Max An organic and Kosher Acai juice blend Acai Powder – 100% Pure 120 g: pure organic & Kosher freeze dried acai Acai Capsules Made from pure freeze dried acai Absolute Acai Juice – 100% Pure 16 oz juice concentrate from organic acai Tart…
What would you recommend for boosting the immune system
What would you recommend for boosting the immune system? Whey protein powder is mandatory, vitamin D, probiotic and vitamin C
Nutrients needed to heal after joint surgery
Question: Hey, I’m an avid bike racer and have been using the CAH liquid multivitamin for some time now. Great product. I had the misfortune of tearing up my labrum on the right shoulder and jut returned from surgery, which went well. I’d like to know what supplements or nutritional items could be helpful in…
Whey Protein and Lactose Intollerance
Whey Protein Isolate is the purest form of whey protein and the since it is 100% protein it doesn’t contain sugar (lactose).
My morning shake is completely magic
Question: Hi Dr E, I’ve completed my first month on the program that you recommended for me and I am extremely happy with the results. My energy is vastly improved , my spirit is high and my skin seems so very clear. My morning shake is completely magic and I look forward to it each…
Whey Protein Questions
Hello, A customer, Delores Mobley has a few questions on our Whey Protein, can you help her with these questions? She wants to know what the difference is between cross flow microfiltration and unfiltered. Cross-flow microfiltration produces the highest level of undenatured protein available among Whey Protein Isolates. It’s a delicate process which comes quite…
Growth Hormone and Protein Synthesis
The production of growth hormone is regulated by many factors: Stress, exercise, nutrition, fasting, sleep and growth hormone itself. However, its primary controllers are two hypothalamic hormones (Growth hormone-releasing hormone Somatostatin) and one hormone from the stomach (Ghrelin). L- Arginine is required before bed. Somatomedin C, high blood sugar or fats, obesity, and depression reduce…
Whey Protein Gold Isolate Plus
The nutrition and sport industries most comprehensive protein powder is now another California Academy of Health exclusive.

What Does Dr. Ettinger Take?
What I take is based on almost 20 years of personal research, trial and luckily no error. My program has changed over the years based on what my current health goals are.